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Experimental scallop, oyster and seaweed farms deployed in Tasman Bay
The foundations of new aquaculture farming businesses were laid this week in Te Tai-o-Aorere Tasman Bay. Led by Cawthron Institute’s Open Ocean Aquaculture team, as part of the five-year MBIE-funded Ngā Pūnga o te Moana (Anchors of the Ocean) research programme, an experimental trial of new prototype farming structures for...Nelson Mail Article > Ocean trial looks at farming aquaculture
Multi-species aquaculture farming is being trialled in Tasman Bay in a bid to help the sector expand and adapt to climate change. Article by the Nelson Mail > Ocean trial looks at farming aquaculture species offshore | Stuff...Cawthron’s Ahumoana Whakahihiko/Inspiring Aquaculture programme rates highly with first Ōpōtiki
Ōpōtiki College Year 10 student Ngaio Wood examining a nudibranch/sea slug at Ōpape Beach during the Cawthron’s Inspiring Aquaculture programme near Ōpōtiki last December. Aquaculture education and training is on track to be a key part of Ōpōtiki College’s programme in 2024 after the success of the first Cawthron-organized Ahumoana...Case Study: New open ocean oyster farming technologies on trial
Open ocean oyster farming is one step closer to becoming commercially viable thanks to a new trial facilitated through the national Ngā Punga o te Moana open ocean aquaculture research programme....New system design for the cultivation of extractive species at
This work is part of a two-piece contribution on novel marine aquaculture technology and details physical laboratory tests of a new cultivation system for bivalve farming called “Shellfish Tower”. The tests were conducted to prove the feasibility and functionality of this aquaculture system, which is usable for the collection and...Cawthron’s innovative new ‘Shellfish Tower’ structure a practical solution for
A recently published study has shown that an innovative new open ocean aquaculture structure is a promising solution for marine farming of shellfish and other species in exposed waters....New system design for the cultivation of extractive species at
The purpose of this publication is to perform a system analysis of new cultivation technology for exposed bivalve farming. The technical feasibility of the new construction, called Shellfish Tower, was assessed. The device has gone through several very different phases of development on its way to the deployment of the...Cawthron Institute to lead government funded open ocean aquaculture research
Cawthron Institute has received government funding to deliver two strategic and impactful research programmes....Extending New Zealand’s Marine Shellfish Aquaculture Into Exposed Environments –
This paper presents a brief overview of the potential zones for open ocean aquaculture, the influence of climate change, and two potential shellfish operational systems that may facilitate the expansion of shellfish aquaculture onto New Zealand’s exposed ocean sites....Farming oysters in the open ocean: New technologies on trial
A trial of new open ocean farming structures for oysters is currently underway off the coast of Ōpōtiki on Whakatōhea Mussels marine farm....